Monday 28 December 2015

Planning : Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

This is all of the year 12's 60 second pitch, to find my group, start at 0:50 and finish at 1:37

To arrange and complete our 60 second pitch we initially began with a mind map guide and we also wrote down different characters, landscapes, plots, working titles and so on this would permit us to plainly see the choices we had and settle on a choice on the best thought to be exhibited for our 60 second pitch.

After we had finished our thought to pitch we assembled and considered how to word it so we have a clear ideas as we were going to watch it and like giving a brief clarification of what the film will bring. After we had deal with this I would read the script and check whether it near 60 seconds. After a few changes to and adjustments to the script it was near 60 seconds. We split the pitch script into four areas and selected individually a fraction.

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