Saturday 12 March 2016

Construction: Evidence of Reflection (First Recording)

After filming our first take of our horror opening i noticed several mistakes in our recording, this consisted of the following:
  • Very shaky establishing shot
  • People smiling to make it look like it was staged
  • Actors looking into the camera
  • Diegetic sound being unclear to hear in certain shots
  • Setting of the classroom being unorganised and unprofessional
  • No books infant of actors to make it seem like they are studying
  • Quality of the camera was very weak and unclear (unfocused)
  • Lighting of some scenes were different to others so characters were hard to see
  • Main character did not look scared and sometimes grinned
  • Time was limited
  • Shot list was not specific and complete

After realising the number of mistakes that were made we decided to record for the second time and hope we can cancel everything that went wrong. For this it meant we had to gather and recruit new characters as some were in progress of doing mock examinations and our main character was severely ill and has no chance of coming in to record for us.

The people we gathered was 2 girls and 1 boy to be the main character (Kai). Were unsuccessful getting a fourth character to record but this was not an issue as the script was easily altered, if it were two people, it would make our script and shot list confusing.

After seeing how bad the quality and stable our first recording was we decided to improve our equipment and get a DSLR camera to record with. Alongside our improved camera we decided a tripod was essential as our shots were very shaky and didn't seem like a professional recording.

We also considered changing our location to another room, but had no choice as we wanted the lockers and door to class to be within range to make editing seamless.

After all the changes we were ready to record with our opening for a second time.

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