Sunday 18 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

We have created a short film based on a sixth form interview. This was including a characters such as a student and teacher. This film consisted of 12 shots throughout the entire film with the 180 degree rule, match on actions and shot reverse shot.

We did a set brief consisting of how many and the type of shots we would be including in our preliminary task this also included camera angles we would use, this helped us be more organised for recording the raw footage. Then we thought the story would be based on a sixth form interview and we started brainstorming on a A3 piece of paper. This helped us gather all of our ideas. Then we put our ideas on 12 individual shots on 12 A4 bits of paper which would further explain how each shot will be recorded and helped us plan what lines of dialog will be exchanging during each shot. Then we started our location planing which was where the shots would take place this helped us have  verisimilitude. We decided which of us would be starring of the characters of Dwayne and George based on who looks more like a teacher and who looks like a student.

The filming process started with the establishing shot.Then the character Dwayne started walking to and in a room which went very smooth with, however we struggled with the point of view angle  because when Dwayne pulls the chair and turns the door handle as we were using an iPad to record we had some difficulty trying to prevent anything else but the hand showing up in the shot. A big mistake was made when Marvin recorded one shot in portrait and another in landscape which didn't help with trying to keep verisimilitude. The last issue we had whilst recording was when recording the last line of dialogue. I had trouble saying a line that was pretty long and managed to accumulate 12 failed attempts.

I imported my raw footage into premier pro. Then i trimmed the bits of footage i don't need including video and audio. I scaled the footage to frame size. I later on used video grabby to download a song off YouTube into iTunes and imported it to premier pro and added key frames which gradually fades the volume after Dwayne walks through the door. Then rendered the whole work area and exported it then uploaded it onto YouTube and used the embed code and pasted it onto my blog.

I felt that my preliminary video was satisfactory. The strengths of my editing were the introduction as i thought the music went well with the establishing shot and how it faded away as Dwayne walked through the door. I was also pleased with the trimming i made so that the shots run smoothly together including the point of view, shot reverse shot, match on action, over the shoulder and the 190 degree shot. My weaknesses were i accidently deleted one of the point of view shot where Dwayne opens the door before i uploaded it. Another weakness was i forgot to trim my audio and let it run the full length while it was muted in the background which resulted in my video carrying on  after it has finished with no video or audio. Next time when i edit i need to double check my editing before uploading the video to prevent potential errors.

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