Monday 14 September 2015

Me as a consumer of the media.

My relation ship with media 


What: I use it for search and communication.

When: I use it everyday.

Where: It use it at school and home.

Why: I use it because it can access all types of information.

Who: I search for school related theory.

How: I use it on my laptop, iPad and phone.


What: It allows you to visually watch entertainment.

When: I use it everyday.

Where: I use it at home.

Why: I use it because it has entertainment.

Who: I watch dramas and reality TV.

How: I use it through my laptop and iPad.


What: I can watch Movies

When: Anytime 

Where: At home

Why: Because it is entainment

Who: Action & adventure films, and Horror

How: Through Now Tv.

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